
Adam Jensen Fights for His Humanity in DB!

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Jensen by DeathBattleDino

First Appearance: Deus Ex: Human Revolution (23rd of August 2011)

Full/Real Name: Adam Jensen

AKA: Spy Boy, Patient X

Height: 6'1" (1.85 m)

Weight: Unknown

Age: 36 as of Mankind Divided

Gender: Male

Species: Cyborg

Place of Birth: Unknown, spent most of his early life at a White Helix laboratory in the U.S.

Alignment: Neutral/Chaotic Good

Affiliation: Juggernaut Collective, Task Force 29

Occupation: Former S.W.A.T. Specialist and Sarif Chief of Security. Currently Task Force 29 Operative and Juggernaut Collective Agent

Blood Type: O Negative

Favorite Cigarette Brand: Royal Hellhounds

Favorite Drink: Nye's Rye

Was the captain of the debate team in high school

Attack Potency: Wall level / Higher w/ certain Weapons

Durability: Wall level / Higher w/ Titan Augmentation

Speed: Supersonic to Hypersonic


Born Mach 9th of 1993, Adam was one of the infants subjected to experimental genetic therapy treatments by While Helix Labs, which altered his biochemistry to the point of his body not rejecting cybernetic augmentations, but instead making the bond stronger, if anything. All of the children, except for Adam himself, died because of it. Two scientists realized that their experiments worked, however, they grew too close to the child to allow White Helix any more experimentations. Later, they burned down the facility, not wanting any children to suffer any longer. Later being killed by the Illuminati (yes, really) and reported as fire casualties, Adam was left to be rescued by Michelle Walthers and later adopted by Arthur and Margie Jensen. 

After receiving Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Phoenix University and Ferris College, at the age of 21 he joined the Detroit Police Department and four years later was accepted into the S.W.A.T. unit of the same Department. After his squad's leader, Quincy Durant was mortally wounded by an augmented murderer, he received an augmentation surgery, which made him, long story short, go insane and become a terrorist mercenary. Eventually, Adam became the commander of his squad, but his career came to an end in an event known as the Mexicantown Massacre. An augmented boy was identified as dangerous and Jensen was give the order of killing the boy. Unable to do so, he passed the order to one of his subordinates, Wayne Haas, who hesitantly obeyed. Right afterward, Adam confronted his ex-commander, defeating him with a bullet to the head. He left the police soon after and Haas was promoted to the commander of the squad, but left as well, not being able to handle the guilt of shooting a child.

At some point, Adam got into a relationship with Megan Reed, who worked at Safir Industries as a neurologist and got him hired as the chief of security (secretly to him, in order to harvest his aug-resistant DNA). Later nicknamed 'Patient X' by the company (again, in secret), Reed began a project to directly integrate Adam's genetic resistance to augmentations into a new generation of biochips, eliminating the problem of the human body rejecting cybernetics. 

However, when Reed's research was finished, the labs were attacked by a terrorist group, Reed and other four key researchers supposedly killed (but in reality kidnapped) in the attack. Jensen attempted to stop the attackers, however, was brutally beaten and finished off with a gunshot to the head from a Magnum revolver. David Sarif, Adam's boss and C.E.O. of Sarif Industries, decided to use this to his advantage - to save Adam's life and turn him into a living weapon. After performing what would become the most advanced cybernetic surgery at that time, literally revived Adam and recreated him into a better man. With a new set of abilities, Adam's job as the Chief of Security was much easier to perform and after six months of recovery, Jensen was back. 



Broke through a wall and snapped a neck

Can bring down brick walls with ease

Jumping through a wall

He really hates walls

Can lift and throw things like fridges, copy machines and large TVs with ease


Blocking bullets with a body after said bullets have been fired

Avoided point-blank sniper rifle bullets

Reacted to a grenade after it's been launched


Mostly unfazed by grenades exploding at close-range

Calculated here to be 24683 Joules (Wall level)

Survived this fall after jumping out of the vehicle that fell

Survived a Typhoon explosion at close-range


Was in a cryosleep state for at least a day and was still able to complete his mission

At some point, he was captured and tortured while having his augmentations disabled and was forced to escape the base he was held in before reentering the cryosleep


Can jump 30 meters with ease

Mentality, Intelligence, Skill


Virtually Emotionless

Stoical and tactical


Capable of hacking into high-security terminals and sneaking through just as much highly-secured facilities with ease

Augmented brainpower

As an ex-police officer, naturally thirsty for information


Speaks English, some German and is teaching himself Czech


Stealth Specialist

Was able to sneak into the morgue of a police station
Was able to sneak into a gang territory and hack an antenna on top of one of their buildings 
Infiltrated a base of high-tech mercenaries
Infiltrated the Tai Yong Medical Tower
Infiltrated A.R.C. territory
Escaped the G.A.R.M. base
Snuck into the office of Lieutenant Simon Whittaker, the Head of Operations of Tarvos Security Services in Prague
Adam himself admits that Tarvos is "the best private security company in the world"
Made his way through a city in lockdown

Skilled Hand-To-Hand Combatant

Took out three augmented soldiers with one swift move
Took down six guards before any of them could properly react

Skilled Marksman

Hit enemies on another building, who had a clear advantage
Hit just to the side of what would be a deadly shot, intentionally, before augmentation, while falling

Silver Tongue

Capable of talking someone out of suicide

Skilled Detective

Throughout Human Revolution, solved multiple mysteries
His boss, David Sarif, says that he's a natural when it comes to detective work
Solved the mystery of the
 Růžička Station bombing
Solved a murder mystery

The Ability To Not Give a Shit

Walked straight through two armed mercenaries in order to speak to a suspect

Powers & Abilities

Anti-Aug Poison Resistance

Survived being injected with a poison that manipulated people's augmentations into killing them

Augs by DeathBattleDino

Cybernetic Augmentations

After being nearly killed, Adam was saved by being turned into a cyborg, which gave him a multitude of advantages
His DNA allowed him to tolerate a surprising amount of these, replacing 50% of his body

Casie by DeathBattleDino
Social Enhancer
Utilizes the Computer Assisted Social Intelligence Enhancer, or C.A.S.I.E. implant
Analyzes behavior of conversation partners and provides psychological data
Creates a psychological profile based on facial expressions, body language and environmental cues
After the above has been done, provides the user with tools and strategies in order to assist in persuading the target according to their personality
C.A.S.I.E. may detect when it's best to interrupt a person
Alignment analysis can change from Alpha to Beta to Omega in certain parts of a conversation

Alphas strive for personal gain and will prefer the options that will benefit them most

Betas enjoy being superior to others and praised for their achievements
Omegas will easily cave into pressure

Hacking by DeathBattleDino


Adam utilizes the MHD-995 Hacking Device, a 9 GHz processor with software and hardware custom-designed for intrusion of computer networks

Used to commandeer network hubs and launch further attacks on the system

User can be detected and shut out of the program by safeguards

Hacking Capture Lv. 2: Allows the user to hack into Level 2 terminals while allowing the processor to achieve the clock speed of 9.8 GHz

Hacking Capture Lv.3: Allows the user to hack into Level 3 terminals while allowing the processor to achieve the clock speed of 10.6 GHz

Hacking Capture Lv.4: Allows the user to hack into Level 4 terminals while allowing the processor to achieve the clock speed of 11.2 GHz

Taps additional power from the part of the brain responsible for breathing, heart rate and blood pressure, putting any user who lacks a cybernetic heart in danger

Hacking Capture Lv.5: Allows the user to hack into Level 5 terminals while allowing the processor to achieve the clock speed of 12 GHz

Only achievable through fully annexing the mentioned above important part of the brain, leaving the vital actions to be performed by other augmentations

Camera Domination: Allows the user to control or disable cameras by taking over deeper sub-systems via specialized code

Turret Domination: Contains a specialized code that controls and inhibits a variety of anti-personnel, fixed-based, multi-sensory turret stations, allowing the user to have it attack its allies or disable it

Robot Domination: Allows the user to penetrate mobile, high-functioning, limited AI robotic defenses, allowing the user to disable them or have them attack their allies


Utilizes the Costikyan NeuralOptics Node Fortifier to upgrade already captured nodes' defenses against detection and intrusion

Hacking Fortify Ver. 1.1: Slightly decreases the likelihood of intrusion detection

Hacking Fortify Ver. 1.2: Upgrades the defense rating of a node by a factor of two
Hacking Fortify Ver. 1.3: Upgrades the defense rating of a node by a factor of three


Utilizes the Informational Warfare Obfuscation (IWO) by releasing an array of anti-detection rootkit processes, decreasing the chances of detection during the capture of a node

Code-Level Rootkit Ver. 1.0: Seeks out vulnerable security subroutines, blinding them to the hacking process and decreasing the chance of detection by 15%
Code-Level Rootkit Ver. 2.0: Most systems identify the hacking as a false alarm, decreasing the chance of detection by 30%
Code-Level Rootkit Ver. 3.0: Causes the system to continuously self-scramble, decreasing the chance of detection by 45%

Utilizes the Infolink Communications Package
Allows the user to receive and transmit messages
Uses tight-band microwave signals
Cochlear Implant: Sends incoming audio transmissions directly into the user's inner ear 
Subvocalization: A microprobe placed on the vocal folds allows the user to send vocal messages beyond the range of human hearing
Adam claims that it's the most secure communication device he knows

Although, it has been hacked into before


Stealth Avatar
Analyzes opponent behavior and eye movements to determine if the attacker has lost sight of the user
Retinal Imager: Onboard software calculates, where the opponent expects the user to be hiding and shows it to the user via their silhouette
LiDAR Mark-Tracker
Displays an icon in augmented reality that keeps track of targets
Base-Grade Mark Antenna: Allows the user to track up to 10 targets
Mid-Grade Mark Antenna: Allows the user to track up to 25 targets
Hi-Grade Mark Antenna: Allows the user to track up to 40 targets
Smart Vision by DeathBattleDino
Smart Vision
An implant that allows the user to see people and objects of interest through even solid walls
By emitting frequency-modulated carrier waves, detects body heat, heart rate, respiration and electrical activity, after which it assembles an image
Uses energy during use
Wall-Penetrating Imager: Provides limited-range penetration of low-density objects and cover obstacles, revealing people and devices
MAGPIE: Scans the surrounding area for useful items
Rough Transmitter Tuning: Cancels out the noise from the user's electromagnetic field, requiring less energy absorption
Fine Transmitter Tuning: Significantly reduces the augmentation's energy requirement
Eye Stuff by DeathBattleDino
Retinal Prosthesis
Utilizes the Eye-Know Retinal Prosthesis, the basic chassis for all optic augmentations
Retinal H.U.D.: The Retinal Prosthesis come with an Optoelectronic Retinal Heads-Up display, providing the user with:

Data on his medical condition

Available equipment

Wireless access to personal data storages

Direct audio/visual telecommunications

Flash Suppressant: Prevents temporary or permanent blindness from harsh light, protecting the user from concussion grenades and mines
Can identify the weapons the target has at his disposal, as well as miscellaneous information
Can identify wounds and illnesses
Allows him to see heat, in infra-red and detect movement
Radar by DeathBattleDino
Wayfinder Radar System
Reveals all human presence via a combination of visual, thermal and motion detecting systems, each updated once per millisecond
Radar Alarm Timer: By analyzing patterns in movement and behavior, will predict the amount of time human targets will investigate a disturbance before giving up
Topographics: Identifies most physical structures and places them on the radar
Range Boost: Increases the Radar's range
Vision Feedback: Identifies the direction and inclination of targets' heads, providing a cone-shaped field of view
Noise Feedback: Through the installation of acoustic recorders, vibration detectors and digital analyzers, allows the user to see a visual representation of self-made noise on the radar


Sentinel RX Health System
A massive augmentation distributed throughout the body
The primary components are series of hair-fine sensor probes connected to all vital organs, providing biomedical data to a central health monitor unit
If critical damage is detected, triggers secondary modules implanted in the heart tissue, the lymphatic system and adrenal glands
Utilize micro-electric charges and phase-released chemicals to stimulate the body's healing reaction, essentially giving the user a healing factor
Civilian Settings Defib

The Sentinel RX Health System comes equipped with an Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator, capable of restarting a human heart
Specifically tuned not to intervene with other electronic implants
In the event of injury, emits 50-millivolt doses of bioelectricity to stimulate the production of neutrophils and macrophages, speeding the body's natural healing process

Medical Settings Defib

Emits 65-millivolt doses of bioelectricity
Additionally to encouraging the production of new cells, also stimulates already created cells to produce additional healing materials, such as collagen, actin and cortisol

Military Settings Defib

Emits 75-millivolt doses of bioelectricity, speeding up the healing process even more

Angiogenesis Protein Therapy

Stimulates the production of blood vessels, increasing the user's ability to withstand damage while reducing negative effects of injury

Synthetic Growth Factors

Adds genetically modified growth factors that support the body's angiogenesis abilities; S-FGF, S-VEGF and S-angiopoietins

Promote the construction of vascular tissue throughout the body

Uninhibited Angiogenesis

Shuts down all production of growth factor inhibitors

Allows the user to experience massive trauma without bleeding to death or losing organ function

Supposedly, the closest thing to immortality available

Factory Regen Delay

The RX Health Peacekeeper ensures that the user's heartbeat is unaffected by the low-voltage EM field that is produced by people with multiple augmentations

Delays the time between injury and when the user's body starts healing to reduce stress on the heart

Sentinel Regen Delay

Decreases the delay between the last trauma received and the start of health regeneration after the user's cardiovascular system has grown accustomed to the stress caused by general augmentation

Elite Regen Delay

In time, the user's cardiovascular system grows nearly immune to the negative effects of stress and stress hormones
Allows the RX Health Peacekeeper to be set to Elite mode and drastically reduce the delay between last trauma received and the start of health regeneration

Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter
Transforms nutrients such as fat, glucose and adrenaline into electric charge that is stored in augmentation-specific power biocells
Cautious Recharge Rate

The Series 8's Electrochemical Catalysts transform human and food energy into biocell energy
Control the energy generation rate
Identifies and utilizes the highest generation rate possible without starving the body of vital nutrients

Efficient Rechange Rate

After confirming that the user's body doesn't suffer from negative effects of the conversion process, can be upgraded from 12% to 50% efficiency

Peak Recharge Rate

After detecting that the body is more or less immune to the negative effects of the conversion process, can be upgraded from 50% to 85% efficiency, roughly equal to that of a 2029 electric car alternator

Standard Capacity Biocells

The Series 8 comes with a set of lithium-sulphur graphene biocells
The standard cells prove 600 watt-hours per kilogram and can recharge infinitely

Enhanced Capacity Biocells

Increases the biocells' storage capacity after detecting that the electrical leeching into the body remains accepted safety thresholds

Ultra-Capacity Biocells

Operate at a temperature of 120 degrees Celcius, but are surrounded by a ceramic foam sheath to protect the user's vital organs
The most advanced energy storage medium, being able to reach 1000 watt-hours per kilogram

Safe Recharge Delay

The Energy Recharge Capacitor detects a safe delay between the energy usage and regeneration, due to instant recharging being dangerous for the augmented user

Most terminus augmentations can emit bioelectric feedback, increasing the buildup of glial tissue

Moderate Recharge Delay

After no bioelectric feedback has been detected, the delay between energy depletion and recharge can be shortened

Quick Recharge Delay

If no bioelectric feedback was detected on the Safe and Moderate modes, can be upgraded to the Quick mode, allowing the user's electric charge to regenerate briefly after depletion

Implanted Rebreather
Activates itself in the presence of difficult or increased breathing scenarios
Chemical Resistance

The Implanted Rebreather is equipped with a Second Membrane chemical air filter, that prevents acute injury from inhaled toxins or biological agents
Breaks apart toxic chemicals, producing water vapors and other harmless molecules


Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis
Cybernetic arms that provide enhanced strength and combat abilities
In place of muscles, utilize electro-active polymers that can be contracted using fields of electricity with a 10 000% increase in force

Basically, makes the user ten thousand times stronger

Punch Through Wall

Modifications to the Arm's shock buffers, sim-bone frames and timing software allow the user to break through light or damaged walls

Instant Takedown

Closed loop recording and electro-stimulation transmits 1016 channels of data onto an onboard processor, supplementing the arm and enabling greater agility and close-quarters prowess
Allows the user to engage targets in hand-to-hand and take them out with even a single move

Optimized Musculature

A schedule of coupled, pulsed electric field exposure treatment is activated, augmenting and restoring the bone marrow cell population
Grants the user strength to lift and throw heavy objects

Carry Capacity: 70 KG

Allows the user to be able to easily carry up to 70 kilograms on their person

Carry Capacity: 90 KG

Allows the user to be able to easily carry up to 90 kilograms on their person

Carry Capacity: 110 KG

Allows the user to be able to easily carry up to 110 kilograms on their person

Cybernetic Weapon Handling
The Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis coupled with onboard subsystems improve handling of weaponry on the battlefield
Standard Aim Stability

Factory settings of basic hand-eye coordination and aiming abilities

Provides the user with a crosshair of the current weapon on their H.U.D.

Marksman Aim Stability

Direct effect of the Aim Stabilizer

The motion-dampening, stability inducing augmentation narrows a weapon's fire zone, allowing for greater accuracy while moving

Sharpshooter Aim Stability

Allows the user to obtain near-complete control of their targeting accuracy while in motion

Factory Recoil Compensation

Factory settings of recoil compensation

Drill Recoil Compensation

Series of liquid-polymer reaction-management buffers installed in the user's wrists and elbow joints, reducing recoil from any firearm

Field Recoil Compensation

Utilizing both the reaction-management buffers and its bioplastic shock absorption compressor allows the user to eliminate any recoil from even military-grade weapons

Base Reload Speed Dexterity

Factory settings of increased reflex time and hand-eye coordination

Medium Reload Speed Dexterity

Increases hand-eye coordination and allows for quicker reload speeds

High Reload Speed Dexterity

Upgrades hand-eye coordination to the maximum, allowing for even quicker reload speeds

Peps by DeathBattleDino
AKA the Projected Energy Propulsion System
An experimental augmentation
Consumes medium amounts of energy on use
Uses an invisible deuterium-fluoride laser that generates a wall of concussive force to knock back people and objects

The base version of P.E.P.S., which lets the user fire a quickshot wide-array wave, which can push back people and objects

Precision Diode

Allows the user to shape the P.E.P.S. blast into a narrow beam for greater distance
More powerful than a blast wave and can render single individuals unconscious

Drains a bit more energy than the base shot

Requires brief charging

Remote Hacking

An experimental augmentation
In conjunction with the MHD-995 Hacking Device and Infolink Communications System, allows the user to hack electronic devices from a distance
Consumes low amounts of energy on use
Environmental Domination

Pings nearby connections of smart world objects, displaying them as yellow dots on the user's H.U.D.
After hacking into a device, permits simple activation and deactivation of root commands
In this state, incapable of interacting with security systems

Security Domination

Allows to connect to and override security protocols, allowing the user to temporarily disable cameras, robots and turrets

Taser by DeathBattleDino
AKA the Targeted Electrical Discharge System
An experimental augmentation
Fires 200-milliamp arcs of electricity, which hone on targets before firing
Causes muscular contractions, clamping down on the heart and preventing full cardiac arrest, leaving the target unconscious (or disabled, if the target is a machine)
Requires TESLA ammo cartridges
Quick-Fire System

The TESLA picks out targets with a UV laser emitter, the reflection of which is then captured by onboard UV sensors, making it virtually impossible to miss

Dual-Arc Upgrade

Allows the TESLA to target two targets at once
An additional capacitor switch splits the amperes evenly, giving both blasts equal power

Quad-Arc Upgrade

Allows the TESLA to target four targets at once

An additional capacitor switch splits the amperes evenly, giving all four blasts equal power

Arc Distance Upgrade

Doubles TESLA's effective range

A blade concealed in the user's forearm
Can be ejected from the front or the back of the arm
Used in melee combat or silent takedowns
Possesses two experimental enhancements
Impact Velocity Shot

Allows the Nanoblade to be fired as a high-power crossbow
Fires the Nanoblade with enough force to launch the target airborne or impale them into walls
Using a high-energy molecular assembler, that (if the user has a steady supply of silicon-carbige cartridges) fashions a replacement lamellar graphite blade and places it in the sheath

Explosive Heat Blade

 A chemical reaction begins when the blade is heated and ends when it hits a surface with enough force

After hitting a surface, explodes after a few seconds, shattering into multiple deadly-sharp pieces

Giphy (30) by DeathBattleDino
Enhanced Hand Joint Manipulation
Jensen is capable of extending his finger joints, extending his fingers in length
To co-operate with this, he can also freely turn his wrist 360 degrees, allowing him to perform what is seen above


Icarus Landing by DeathBattleDino
Icarus Landing System
Allows the user to drop from extreme heights without suffering from physical injury
Generates a fixed-focus electromagnetic lensing field in free-fall, which magnifies the Earth's ambient magnetosphere, producing a reciprocal effect, gently pushing against the user and slowing down his fall
Descent Velocity Modulator

After detecting dangerous downward g-forces, the High-Fall Safeguard Systems creates an electromagnetic lensing field, which is then pushed outwards, pushing people and objects away, sometimes causing loss of consciousness

Quicksilver Reflex Booster
A supercharger for the human nervous system
Allows the user to execute quicker and more impressive feats of strength and dexterity
Multiple Takedown

The Palaestra software upgrade supports the user during the attempt to physically overpower two opponents at once

Body-tracking software in the module is tied into the Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis, allowing the user to plan highly complex and precise physical acts, and perform them with near 100% accuracy

Typhoon by DeathBattleDino
Typhoon Explosive System
A series of interlinked electromagnetic launchers installed throughout the body and connected to a target processor installed at the base of the user's spine
When activated, the launchers shoot projectiles in a 360-degree arc
Munition Loadout Selection

The user can choose what type of ammunition the Typhoon can fire: lethal fragmentation explosives or non-lethal gas grenades

For the sake of Death Battle, it's best to use the lethal variation

Focus Enhancement
An experimental augmentation
Consumes high amounts of energy on use
Jolts the user's parasympathetic nervous system for a brief time, enhancing their reaction time
Hummingbird-9 Regulated Nervous System

Applies backup safety protocols in the event of overexertion
As a fail-safe, feeds on the user's bioelectric capacity cells

When active, nominally increases  the user's reaction time, making their surroundings appear to be moving in slow-motion

Icarus Dash
An experimental augmentation
Consumes low amounts of energy on use
Allows the user to dash forward at a high speed by generating an electromagnetic pulse wave behind the user
Dorsal Propulsion Kit

Installs the Icarus Dash System in the center-of-mass of the user's spine, making it less likely for them fo be knocked off balance after using the dash

Icarus Boost by DeathBattleDino
Charged Dash

Consumes medium amounts of energy on use
Allows the user to focus the augmentation's propulsion

Allows the user to dash onto reachable ledges
Has the ability to ram into opponents, knocking them unconscious on impact


Glass-Shield Cloaking System
Consumes high amounts of energy on use
Steers light around the user and returns it to its original path, essentially making the user invisible and being able to pass through laser security systems without being detected
Discreet Power Processing

The System drains energy from a discreet biocell energy processor installed in the user's brain

Improved Cloaking Energy Use

Reduces the amount of energy required for the System to work to medium

Optimized Cloaking Energy Use

Reduces the amount of energy required for the System to work to low

Cloaked Takedown Support

The System ignores other people entering the user's electromagnetic field, sustaining the cloak even in close-quarters

Rhino Dermal Armor
Implanted body armor, which reduces damage inflicted by blunt force trauma, ballistic attacks as well as cutting and slashing attacks
The base is a microfiber lattice weave made from carbon nanotubes suspended shear-thickening fluid; when kinetic energy strikes the armor, it becomes rigid and deflects the impact shock
Base Reduction Settings

Protects against most combat-induced stresses and protects from some physical damage

Improved Reduction Settings

Upgrades protection from physical damage

Mastered Reduction Settings

Upgrades protection from physical damage even further, reducing damage taken to an optimal level

Electromagnetic Pulse Shielding

Protects the user and his energy supply from being damaged by EMP weapons or electric hazards

An experimental augmentation
Consumes high amounts of energy on use
A special fluid that is concealed under the user's skin and can be ejected at will
The fluid covers the user's entire body in a shell, hardening and protecting them from virtually any physical damage for a limited time
Subcutis Energy Mod

Taps into the user's energy system to ensure a continuous power supply

Facet Cost Reduced

Reduces the amount of energy required for Titan to work to medium

Facet Cost Optimized

Reduces the amount of energy required for Titan to work to low


Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis
Replaces the user's legs with enhanced-function mechanical substitutes
In place of organic musculature, the Leg Prosthesis utilize myomeres that function similarly to a human muscle, but with greater strength and endurance
Klipspringer Jump Mod

Increases myomere density and activates a shock-absorbing gel matrix on the knee joints and hip mounts
Allows the user to jump three meters into the air

Leg Silencers

Consume medium amounts of energy during use
Eliminate all noise made by the Leg Prosthesis through the activation of sound-dampening hardware, ferrofluid gel surrounding the joints and mechanical code improvements


M-28 UR-DED (Utility Remote-Detonated Explosive Device)

273 grams of blue liquid nano explosive wrapped in a transparent package that can stick to any surface
A remote explosive that can be activated via a radio remote trigger


The F-Type Fragmentation Grenades are a standard thrown projectile, which expels a high concentration of shaped polymer shards at extreme velocity when ruptured
Can be turned into the K-A-G Fragmentation Mine


The P-14 E-Mag EMP Grenade sends out an electromagnetic pulse, disabling cameras, turrets and robots as well as weakening opponents in exo-suits
Can be turned into the 
Jammer-4 EMP Mine


The Stunner Concussion Grenade erupts in a flash of blinding light, staggering anyone in range of it and causing them to lose their vision and hear loud ringing noises for a few seconds
Can be turned into the 
ShokWave Concussion Mine


The KSA-Type Smoke Grenade emits a thick smokescreen around itself
Can be turned into the 
KSA Smoke Mine


The Riot CS Grenade emits gas around itself, which knocks out anybody in range
Can be turned into the 
DX-4 Gas Mine
Zap by DeathBattleDino

Zenith ZAP

A non-lethal stun gun
Built-in Silencer
Holds up to 14 shots when upgraded
Can be equipped with a laser sight
Limited range

Zenith by DeathBattleDino 

Zenith CA-40

A sidearm holding up to 38 bullets when upgraded
Can fire regular or EMP bullets
Has semi-auto and full-auto firing modes
Can be equipped with a Laser Sight and Silencer
Mustang by DeathBattleDino

Mustang Arms .357 Magnum

A sidearm holding up to 12 bullets when upgraded
Can be equipped with a Silencer
Hurricane by DeathBattleDino

Hurricane TMP-18

A capable machine pistol
Holds up to 60 bullets when upgraded
Can be equipped with a Silencer, Laser Sight and Holosight (An aiming-assistance modification)
Fr-27 by DeathBattleDino

FR-27 Sanction Flechette Rifle

Described as a jack-of-all-trades combat rifle
Can fire regular or Armor-Piercing bullets
Holds up to 48 bullets when upgraded

Can be equipped with a Silencer, Laser Sight, 4x Scope and Holosight
Silverback by DeathBattleDino

Huntsman Silverback

A double-barreled shotgun
Each shot produces 5 pellets

Widowmaker by DeathBattleDino

Widowmaker TX Tech-1

A devastating tactical shotgun with Semi-Auto and Burst modes
Can fire regular or EMP shells
Can hold up to 12 shells when upgraded
Can be equipped with a Silencer and Laser Sight
Hawkeye by DeathBattleDino

HawkEye Xbow XH-II

A foldable crossbow
Fires Guillaume Tell Golden Arrows - polycarbonate, carbide-tipped, fin-stabilized bolts
Can be equipped with a Holosight
Naturally silent
Pax 22 by DeathBattleDino

PAX-22 Tranquilizer Rifle

A non-lethal silent weapon
A one-shot sniper rifle that uses break-action loading
Uses hypo-dyne black tranquilizer darts, which consist of a mixture of different psychoactive drugs and anesthetics such as diazepam, phencyclidine, ketamine and morphine
Knock out a target mere moments after impact

Longsword by DeathBattleDino

TRQ 203-C Longsword

A non-lethal, bolt-action sniper rifle
Capable of penetrating light body armor

Fires .50 cal PPS darts that release torpor-inducing drugs on impact, incapacitating humans and animals
Can hold up to 12 darts when upgraded
Built-in Silencer
Can be equipped with a Laser Sight
Model 762 by DeathBattleDino

Steiner-Bisley Model 762 Battle Rifle

A semi-automatic, albeit weak, sniper rifle
Can fire regular or Armor-Piercing rounds
High damage per shot
Can hold up to 10 bullets
Can be equipped with a Silencer, Laser Sight, 4x Scope and Holosight
Whisperhead by DeathBattleDino

Longsword Whisperhead SERSR

A highly-accurate bolt-action sniper rifle with a built-in silencer, rendering the weapon nigh-silent
Kills unarmored enemies with a single shot
Uses .416 Synergies as ammo
Can hold up to 8 rounds when upgraded
Can be equipped with a Laser Sight

longsword II by DeathBattleDino

Longsword II 203 ERSR

A semi-automatic sniper rifle
Can fire regular or Armor-Piercing rounds
Can hold up to 11 bullets when upgraded

Can be equipped with a Laser Sight
M404 by DeathBattleDino

M404 Heavy Rifle

A Gatling-style multi-barreled machine gun
Fires 5.56x45mm ammunition
Can hold up to 200 bullets when upgraded
Can overheat
Can be equipped with a Laser Sight and Cooling System

Linebacker by DeathBattleDino

Linebacker G-87 MSGL

A powerful grenade launcher
Can hold up to 6 grenades
Can fire Fragmentation, EMP, Concussion and Gas grenades
Mprs by DeathBattleDino

329-Series Man-Portable Rocket System (MPRS)

A rocket launcher
Capable of taking down large mechs in a few shots
Fire smart rockets that the user can control, albeit only slightly
Plasma Lance by DeathBattleDino

Hi-NRG Plasma Lance

One of the most advanced battlefield weapons of the 2020s
Inaccuracy is canceled out by the large projectile
Very low firing rate
Can overheat
Magazine can allow for up to 50 shots when upgraded
Can be equipped with a Laser Sight and Cooling System

Der by DeathBattleDino

LS-66 Sabre Direct Energy Rifle (DER)

A laser gun firing a beam
Can hold up to 900 battery charge, which lasts for about 18 seconds of continuous fire
Penetrates walls and cover with ease


Defeated Yelena Fedorova
Made his way through a highly fortified port, planted a bomb and escaped by hiding in one of the cargo

Infiltrated the Omega Ranch, a high-security research center, found the scientists held hostage there, organized a mass distraction and uploaded a virus to the main computer

Defeated Jamon Namir, the leader of Belltower's Elite Special Operations Unit

Defeated Zhao Yun Ru and destroyed the Hyron Project

Went undercover into a supermax Aug-only prison known as "the Pent House"

On his first mission as an anti-terrorist, crashed a Black Market deal

Defeated and killed Viktor Marchenko, an intelligent and highly-skilled ex-soldier, who set up traps and had an advantage on the battlefield

Gained the attention and respect of the Illuminati

Cheated Death five times

Made me go insane by having to do this bio


Some of his augmentations consume energy - only a portion of it recharges on its own and he needs to consume CyberBoost products to regain the rest

Some of his equipment is non-lethal or useless against some types of enemies

His cybernetics can be tampered with, as shown during the events of Human Revolution

His Augmentations can be disabled, although it has only been done via uploading a suppression biochip/virus directly into his brain

He never asked for this

Adam End Art by DeathBattleDino

Adam: "If you wanna make enemies, try to change something. The year is 2027. It is a time of great innovation and technological advancement. It is also a time of chaos and conspiracy. I don't even know whose side I'm on."
As a child, Adam Jensen was abandoned and experimented on. He grew up after being adopted and surviving his original "home" being burned down, before eventually becoming a police officer and climbing the ranks to the commander of the S.W.A.T. team. Later on, he left the force and was hired into Sarif Industries as Chief of Security. After being nearly killed in a terrorist attack, he was given cybernetic augmentations that changed his life forever. After solving the mystery of the attack, he instead joined the Task Force 29 - an anti-terrorist division funded by the Interpol in order to stop the - yet unknown to him - threat...
His new cyborg body offers many surprises to those who stand between him and his mission - or his morals. He enters Death Battle, prepared for any challenge. But will his wit and cybernetic body allow him to cheat death once more?
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KamiZephyr's avatar
Hey, can I use this? Pitting him against Motoko Kusanagi.